Ein AyahWhat It Takes to be a Kohen Gadol
Ein Aya Shabbat Chapter B Paragraph 145,147
There was another story, of a non-Jew who passed behind a shul and heard a teacher say: “These are the clothes they will make …” (Shemot 28:4). He asked who has such clothes and was told it is the Kohen Gadol. [He decided to convert in order to become Kohen Gadol, came before Shammai with the proposition, and was harshly rejected.] He came before Hillel, and he converted him. Hillel said: Is there such a thing as one who does not know how a king is to act who is appointed king? Go and learn the rules of kingship (i.e., how to be a Kohen Gadol). He went and read. Once he got up to “The ‘stranger’ who draws forward will die” (Bamidbar 3:10), he asked: “For whom is this pasuk written?” He said: “Even for David, King of Israel.”