דרשני:(Parshat vayikra (Binyomin Freilich: הבדלים בין גרסאות בדף
(יצירת דף עם התוכן "R’ Binyomin Freilich ''' Shehi and Pehi in an Elevator '''פרשת ויקרא ''It’s a...") |
מ (Binyomin Freilich העביר את הדף דרשני:Parshat vayikra (Binyomin Freilich) לשם דרשני:Parshat Vayikra -Shehi and Pehi in an Elevator) |
(אין הבדלים)
גרסה מ־10:47, 15 במאי 2019
R’ Binyomin Freilich Shehi and Pehi in an Elevator פרשת ויקרא
It’s a little hard to find something to write about Korbanos, but I merrited to see an encouraging thought from R’ Yosef Nechemia Kornitzer z”l, which I would like to share with you.
Despite the title, it’s got nothing to do with Hilchos Yichud!
There’s a interesting Gemara that describes Haman as the worlds expert in foulmouthing the Jews.
(מגילה יג:) אמר רבא ליכא דידע לישנא בישא כהמן
He couldn’t just encourage Achashveirosh to wipe them out with a “valid” reason. (Hitler too claimed that the Jews were simply unworthy of living, and the world needed racial purity and ethnic cleansing, while members of the Aryan race were considered worthy stock. And it’s no secret that the German bank assisted in claiming possesion of huge figures of money …).
So Haman claimed that the Jews weren’t paying the taxes and levies to the government, nor were they doing any work because they always said - “Shehi Pehi”. שה''י פה''י.
Rashi explains that these words are Roshei Teivos for שבת היום פסח היום. Meaning, that they are always busy with something or other as their year is full of resting days and festivals that forbid them from performing work. In other words, what use are they to the country ?
But the truth is, writes R’ Kornitzer, that actually Haman didn’t even realize the depth of his own statement.
Bnei Yisroel know that there are men that spend their hours and days learning Torah, while plenty others learn less.
However, the effect of that learning minority group is enormous. They bring tremendous זכיות to the rest of the Jewish people, despite their tiny number.
In a similar vein, most of the days in the year are regular weekdays, plus there is a handful of Yomim Toviv. They really are a small fraction of the year.
Nevertheless, every Shabbos gives strength, Kedusha and spirituality for the entire week!
Every Pesach gives us a boost of Emunah for the entire year!
On Shovus we absorb chizuk for Limud Torah.
During the Yomim Noroim we imbibe inspiration, awe and Yiras Shamayim.
Succos brings us closer to loving Hashem with joy and feelings of divine protection.
Every Chag is an opportunity to recharge our spiritual energy for the forthcoming days and weeks. There is an atmosphere around each festival that preceeds those special days, and lingers around afterwards. We try and take stock of the available gifts of each Yom Tov by fulfilling its Mitzvos, learning the prevailant halachos via sefarim and shiurim.
We all know that Shabbos is the מקור הברכה. That is why we spend more time davening in shul, and our meals are sanctified by singing praises to Hashem and talking Torah. How we occupy our Shabbos, and devote our attention to its importance, will determine our success in spirituality and business during the coming week.
So yes, it’s only a small amount of days, but the effects last throughout the week and throughout the year.
Did Haman ever get this message?
Watch this.
The Gemara later relates how when Haman went to pick up Mordechai, under Achashveirosh’s instructions to ride him upon the kings horse, he found the Talmidei chachomim learning the Halachos of Kemitza. The laws are derived from the pasuk in this weeks parsha – וקמץ משם מלא קומצו. Less than a fistful of the flour offering was scooped up and used for higher purposes.
Mordechai became frightened that Haman had come to kill him, and instructed the others to run away. He then proceeded to Daven to Hashem. Strangely, Haman waited till he had finished and inquired of Mordechai the subject of the Shiur. When he was answered, he showed signs of giving up, by proclaiming - אתא מלי קומצי קמחא דידכו ודחי עשרה אלפי ככרי כספא דידי!
“Your fistful Kemitza has overridden my 10,000 silver pieces”.
What did he mean by this?
In a Kemitza only a tiny bit is removed, but it sanctifies the entire bowl. Exactly the same idea as we mentioned above regarding Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Our dedication to the few special days in the year can override a decree set to wipe out the Jewish Nation.
A few people learning in Kollel can save many others from other terrible occurrences, G-d forbid.
And if we can take this a step further.
We all have better days and more challenging days. Sometimes we feel strongly connected to Hashem and His Mitzvos. We daven with Kavanah. We understand the Shiur. We are able to perform acts of Chesed, Tzedaka and Hachnosas Orchim.
And sometimes, everything goes wrong. No proper Tefillos. Can’t be bothered learning, and not in the mood to greet anyone, help the needy or give Tzedaka.
It happens to all of us, but we shouldn’t give up hope.
Life is like an elevator, but the good days effect and bring blessing to the plain ol’ days.
That’s the lesson to learn from Haman’s not-so-silly comment – Shehi Pehi.
If you tried your best, you haven’t failed.
Have a great Shabbos,