On the 8th of Av 5673, Rabbi Meir Shapira of Lublin founded the study of the "Daf- Yomi"- the daily page of the Talmud. Rabbi Meir's start-up was that all Jews everywhere around the world would study the same page of Gemara every day. That way, the entire Shas would be studied in seven and a half years everywhere around the world. The idea was enthusiastically received by an important committee of rabbis, including the Hafetz Chaim and Amri Emes of Gor, and it was set to begin three weeks later - on Rosh Hashanah 1844.


On the Yeshiva website you take part in the worldwide project by listening to the Daf Yomi shiur>>https://www.yeshiva.co/tags/daf-yomi