- Family and Society
- Names and Name Changing
I am from an Ashkenazi background, and follow the custom of not naming a child the same name as a living immediate family member.
My father-in-law’s Hebrew name is Yerachmiel. He was given this name to honor his grandmother, who’s name was Rachel. But no one in the family was actually named after her (i.e. the actual name, Rachel). When I have a daughter, B’ezrat Hashem, will it be permissible for me to name her Rachel (after my wife’s great grandmother), or would that name be considered too similar to my father-in-law’s, who was after all, named after the same person?
You have no problem naming a daughter Rachel.

Naming a child after non-observant grandparents
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 30 Nisan 5763

Yiddish to Hebrew
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 1, 5785

What is the boy version of the female Chasia Dobrish?
Rabbi David Sperling | Kislev 19, 5785

Jewish Names
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 23 Nisan 5764

Purim Seuda after Shloshim for Aveylus
Rabbi David Sperling | Adar 11, 5773

Brushing teeth on minor fasts
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Tevet 17, 5775

Drinking during Megillah reading
Various Rabbis | Adar I 15, 5768

Netilat yadaim and bircat hatorah
Rabbi David Sperling | Elul 1, 5773

Bar Mitzva for adult who missed it
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 6, 5785

Shalosh Shavuot - the Satmar opinion
Rabbi Ari Shvat |

wigs or sheitels - How can Religious Jewish Women wear them?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 18, 5785