- Halacha
- General Questions
Why is adding additional customs and stringencies onto torah laws not considered adding to the laws?
Since the customs and stringencies are not accepted as Halachot from the Torah but only as stringencies. We are not saying that we have additional Mitzvot, we are only trying to perform the Mitzvot with more Hidur, it helps us keep away from what the Torah forbade.
Rabbi Elad Gross

Using your neighbors wifi
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | Adar II 16, 5784

Neighbors holiday apartment parking
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | Adar II 17, 5784

Eating vis a vis benefiting
Rabbi David Sperling | Shevat 8, 5784

What causes so much division in the world?
Rabbi David Sperling | Av 7, 5784

Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | 14 Cheshvan 5764

When does my kaddish end
Rabbi David Sperling | Tammuz 8, 5771

Induction Stove Hob
Rabbi David Sperling | Tammuz 21, 5782