We made a kiddush from tzedokoh money for a yosom what should be done with leftovers ?
If given money to transfer to gaboei tzedokah and one time unsure if gave or if misplaced the money what to do?
1) The Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 249;16 states that the most fitting place for a gabai tedaka to give tedaka money is the important mitvah of helping yesomim marry.
2) whoever received money and is not sure what he did with it is responsible and should replace it.
Rabbi Moshe Klein

Charging hearing aids on Shabbos
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Adar 9, 5783
Lashon Hara about good things
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Iyyar 25, 5770

Why is Elohim in the plural
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Av 17, 5781