Ask the Rabbi

קטגוריה משנית
Does one wash one’s hands after visiting a cemetery with or without a Bracha? Does one wash hands at all before entering the cemetery?
You should not make a Bracha when washing your hands after visiting a cemetery. There is no need to wash your hands hen entering a cemetery.
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2 Repliesin 1 Discussions

  • g guest |12 Sivan 5782

    Why their wash hands after funeral

  • ישיבה Rabbi Daniel Kirsch |22 Sivan 5782

    Why do people wash their hands after a funeral?

    Thank you for your question, The reason for washing hands after a funeral is that there are bad spirits (שדים) that can negatively affect someone who enters into a cemetery or who participates in the funeral (Magen Avraham, 4:20, Mishna Berura 4:42). Someone who didn't go into the actual cemetery but just participated in the funeral, only needs to do netilat yadaim (hand washing) if he was within four amot (approximately 2 meters) of the dead person (see Pri Megadim Eshel Avraham 4:21 ,and Kaf Hachaim 4:77). However, according to the Chazon Ish, anyone who participated in the funeral needs to do netilat yadaim (hand washing) , even if he was not within four amot of the dead (dinim vehanhagot, yoreh deah 4; 25). All the best

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