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I was told that the kallahs wedding band has to be gold. Is this true?
According to the Torah one can be Mekadesh with Kesef Shtar & Biah [Money, contract & relations]; the Rabbis prohibited Biah because of immorality.
The custom is to be Mekadesh with Kiddushin of Kesef, and specifically with a wedding band.
The common custom among Ashkenazim is to be Mekadesh with a round gold wedding band.
Among the Sephardim the common custom is to be Mekadesh with a round silver wedding band.
Some have the custom according to Kabala to be Mekadesh with a silver wedding band that is round on the inside and square on the outside.
[שו"ע אהע"ז סימן כו סעיף ד, וסימן כז סעיף א וברמ"א, ובערוה"ש סעיף ב, וע"ע פרטי המנהגים בהרחבה בספר הנשואין כהלכתם ח"א פרק ז, נטעי גבריאל הלכות נישואין ח"א פרק כא].

Marriages Between Ashkenazim and Sephardim
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 25, 5780

resistance and giving away the Land of Israel
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 6, 5772

Marriages Between Ashkenazim and Sephardim
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 25, 5780