Ask the Rabbi

קטגוריה משנית
My daughter is being married February 15, 2010 in Rehovot, Israel. The Chupa is at 7:45 PM. February 15 is Rosh Chodesh but the actual Chupa takes place "after" Rosh Chodesh is over. Does she fast that day at all?
Your daughter does not fast at all, because it is forbidden to fast on Rosh Chodesh. It does not make a difference if the Chupa is during the day or the night after. Mazal Tov! The Chatan & Kallah should be Zocheh to build a Bayit Ne’eman B’yisrael, and may you see much Nachat from them. [שו"ע או"ח סימן תיח סעיף א, ורמ"א סימן תקעג ובמ"ב ס"ק ט ושעה"צ ס"ק ד]
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