- Halacha
- Beverages
Several of Bigelow’s teas have a Chof K certification. Bigelow’s Organic Green Tea doesn’t have the certification. The person who used it thought it did have the certification. If such tea was used in this person’s kosher home (kosher all the time), what does that person do with the china and silverware used to serve the green tea?
The Kof-k said that although they do not recommend using anything which does not bear their symbol, after the fact they don't see a reason that any of the dishes used should need Kashering. They would like to know if you could know the specific type of tea that was used to make any determinations.

Nails clipping and pregnancy
Rabbi David Sperling | Cheshvan 5, 5781

Is sledding, surfing and skiing permitted on Shabbat
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 11, 5779

Riding in a Car on Shabbat Driven by Non-Jew
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Iyyar 25, 5768