I am saying Kaddish for an aunt with no one to say Kaddish for her. I am often asked to say kaddish for others who are late for a minyan or who are otherwise unable to say it. May one say Kaddish and have more than 1 person in mind? Please can you let me know the Mekorot for your answer.
Thank you so much!
This is an old machlokes; Rav moshe holds that one cannot; Gesher Hachayim holds that one may.

Tehillim after davening
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | Elul 16, 5768
Is Induction Cooktop good for Pessach?
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Cheshvan 11, 5770

Non Jews wearing a Tallit
Rabbi David Sperling | Kislev 2, 5777