What are the rules for giving away the belongings of the niftar? Is it true that shoes and hats may not be given away? If so, why? May they be given to a non-Jew? Is it considered improper for a descendent to wear the clothing of the niftar after the shloshim?
Thank you very much!
9 Tishrei 5771
According to Rav Tokachinsky zt"l in Gesher Hachaim (8:7) one is allowed to use articles of the niftar even during the Shiva. The only restriction is in regard to the niftar's shoes. This restriction is based on Sefer Chasssidim (454) of Rav Yehuda Hachassid who lived close to 900 years ago, who said it is a danger. Rav Ovadia Yosef shlit"a (Yalkut Yoseph 21:11) says that this restriction is limited to shoes which were worn by the niftar at the time of his death. He also states that if one has fears wearing the shoes he should give them to the poor but tell them where the shoes came from. Accordingly one would not have to give them to a gentile. The Gesher Hachaim (ibid note 2) also limits the restriction only to shoes which were worn while the niftar was sick or 30 days prior to his death. I am not aware of a restriction in regard to hats.
Besorot Tovot and Gmar Chatima Tova.