- Family and Society
- General Questions
If a person gives tzedaka to an organization that save lives in Eretz Israel is that considered on the same level as to give to the city that he lives?
It is brought in the Shluchan Aruch that in regards to giving Tzedaka "'The poor of the Land of Israel come before the poor of Chutz La'aretz". This is on assumption that the needs are the same in both places. In your case where lives are being saved, giving Tzedakah to Eretz Israel is better than Tzedakah to other places.
Rabbi Baruch Kitay

Bitcoin according to Jewish Law
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Iyyar 23, 5779

dropshipping business in Judaism & ways of acquisition
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Iyyar 26, 5780

On money sent by mistake
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Nisan 22, 5774

Who owns this sefer torah?
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 24 Tishrei 5767

Rabbi David Sperling | Kislev 25, 5779

Woman Dressing in Man’s Garments
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 10 Elul 5764

Marriages Between Ashkenazim and Sephardim
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 25, 5780