Ask the Rabbi

  • Torah and Jewish Thought
  • Repentance
קטגוריה משנית
Shalom Rabbi, I am a Noahide and live by the 7 Noahide Laws. Though I have many friends and loved ones who follow a myriad of different faiths, mostly Christians, among other denominations. My question is one regarding mercy. I know many people do not follow the Noahide code out of ignorance, not malice. I would like to know if they would be given a chance to repent after getting confirmation of the Truth of G-d. In other words, do all non-Noahides inevitably disappear after death with no possibility of repentance and a share in the world to come, or is such repentance after death possible? And if not, does that mean 99% of Humanity currently is doomed to oblivion? With deep respect.
God loves all of His children and blesses them according to their actions. Obviously it would be great if all gentiles were officially Noachides and recognize the importance of Israel and the Torah of Israel (and accordingly, their share in the world-to-come is especially significant), but even if not, if they do follow the 7 Noachide laws, then they also go to heaven (albeit on a lower level). I’m sure that most Christians (including all of the Protestants, and many other denominations, even many Catholics) don't believe anymore that a man was God, and I imagine that many rational Buddhists today also don't believe the pagan idea that a man or idol could be God. Probably the most challenging of the 7 is to be totally careful not to steal or even slightly mislead, in business. In short, many, probably even most gentiles, go to heaven.

1 Repliesin 1 Discussions

  • A Andrea A |7 Sivan 5784

    Learning and kindness

    Hi. I’m a Christian per se lol I am a GenX born and raised by hippies. I wasn’t taught to hate Jewish people or any religion for that matter. In high school we read the diary of Ann frank and I honestly don’t believe it was the entire book. But we loosely learned about the holocaust. Then as I have gotten older… I see movies and social media and different countries hating on Jewish people. All I kept asking was “ but why? What did they do so wrong or so badly?” No one knew. Then some people refer to the hate we know about or different groups of people not liking Jewish people or like wise Jewish people not like them. So in my head I’m like “but why” no one could tell me so I googled and went through the cliff notes version of Judaism and then I went to tons of other religions and honestly I don’t see why there should be hate. It’s silly. It humans created the hate they don’t even know why… I liked your answer to this question Sir. I feel it’s slight differences in perception of God. If you were in a car and it was about to blow up… I would rush to save you and most people deep down they would too. They aren’t going to stop and ask what is your religion. Same story I know that is a human or any religion is in danger. Most of us will run to help. Forgive me for this being long. But going way back to the primary religions I looked up I see so many similarities only difference in opinion and culture and beliefs in what happened. Misconceptions people are not born with hate in their hearts for anyone. It is taught. And I love in movies… Independence Day… the famous dad that was blessing people during the movie! I love him. I can’t imagine hating anyone for their religion. The different ways of worship are fascinating and idk 🤷‍♀️ why I am sending you this I guess only to say… I love our differences and I love people. Humans are complex, I believe God loves us all. I know I do. Thank you for the response to the question above. Sending you love and happiness just as a regular ole’ southern girl! I believe in the big G and so do you. I believe that’s all that matters. The good in mankind. I wish this world could level up and except each other as they are and love each other as we are! Have a blessed day Sir

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