- Halacha
- Mincha and Ma'ariv
I believe I heard that there is an opinion that it is sufficient to make KIDDUSH after nightfall the eve of Shavuos even though the prevailing custom is apparently to wait to daven Maariv after nightfall the first night of Shavuos.
Being that I am situated with my parents, I would like to know if this is indeed a valid opinion. And if it is a valid opinion, I would also like to know if I can daven Maariv early i.e. BEFORE nightfall the first night of Yom Tov.
All the best and thank you very much in advance.
There are indeed such opinions. (של"ה ריש מסכת שבועות, סידור יעב"ץ, ) So you may Daven Maariv before nightfall. Just remember to repeat Shema after nightfall. (See Piskei Teshuvot 494)
All the best

Shimusha Rabba Tefillin
Rabbi David Sperling | Tammuz 9, 5783

Maariv for Mincha?
Various Rabbis | 12 Cheshvan 5765

Ashkenazi Relying on Sephardi Practice
Various Rabbis | Adar I 13, 5768
Learning/ praying Arvit on the way home
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Elul 20, 5769

The name Mia
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 21 Iyyar 5763

Havdalah from Shabbat to Yom Tov
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 10 Cheshvan 5763

Hearing Aids
Rabbi David Sperling | Tevet 18, 5784

Kipa Sruga- The Crocheted Kipa- Where & Why did it start?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Elul 18, 5780

Shalosh Shavuot - the Satmar opinion
Rabbi Ari Shvat |

Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Tevet 25, 5785

Yiddish to Hebrew
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 1, 5785