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The Rabbi stated you should not use an hourglass to measure time on Shabbat. Can I use a watch or clock with a second hand or a digital clock or watch that has the seconds to time something. Lets say the hourglass times 3 minutes. I can not use it on Shabbat but isnt using a watch or clock also measuring on Shabbat?
Thank you for your question. You are correct in thinking that timing with a watch is also a question of measuring on Shabbat. When using a sand timer would be forbidden, so too would timing by a watch. As we wrote, there are cases when using a timer is not measuring, but rather appointing out a turn in a game etc. Also, measuring for a mitzvah is allowed.
I hope this is of some help,

Automatic wrist watch on Shabbat
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 5 Tishrei 5767

Warming drawer on shabbos
Various Rabbis | Kislev 22, 5771

Umbrella on Shabbat
Rabbi Eliezer S. Weisz | 10 Shevat 5763

Carrying guns on Shabbat in settelments
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 10 Adar II 5763

Egg Matzoh on Erev Pesach Shabbat?
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Nisan 2, 5781

Wearing Kippa while Sleeping
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 27 Cheshvan 5765

Women reciting the Hagadah
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 23 Nisan 5766

selling chametz - uncooked oats?
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Nisan 7, 5770

Which Prophets did Israel kill?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 25, 5785

wigs or sheitels - How can Religious Jewish Women wear them?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 18, 5785

Yiddish to Hebrew
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 1, 5785