2 Repliesin 2 Discussions
S Sithulwin |1 Sivan 5784 Can I practice chants and meditation
I am a Christian who believes in the tanakh and the torah.l want to draw closer to almighty Lord.I Would call god hashem or Abba.I love meditation,can I practice both prayer and meditation.Can I also use chant?blessings or praising my lord or chanting his names using prayer beads.What are the holy names of the lord I can use and draw closer to him and have a deep relationship with him.
S Sibi philip |26 Tishri 5785 Evil eye
Shalom, i am sibi philip christians religion I fell down and i got femur bone cracked and dis major surgery. I am recovering now 3 months. I need something protect me from evils and human evils like tto protect.

Brushing teeth on minor fasts
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Tevet 17, 5775

Fasting and the Megillah
Rabbi David Sperling | Adar 13, 5781

Food, medications and Yom Kippur
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Av 13, 5780