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  • Family and Society
  • Family Purity
קטגוריה משנית
The question before was about a cousins simcha. What about a mother making a chanukah party, does that fall under direct enjoyment, and we have to go no matter how difficult. Or its not a direct hanaah and there are loopholes as you wrote previously?
Shalom U'vracha, I think that it all depends on how important it is to your mother for you to attend the party and conversely, how difficult it is for you to make it. You are correct; there is a big difference between a wedding and a Chanukah party. Generally, a Chanukah party is not such a significant event as compared to a wedding. However, if it is clearly very important to the mother and she asks her kids to come-- and if not a huge difficulty one must make the effort to go even though it's not a direct hanaah. The reasons were mentioned in the previous answer. (Primarily based on the Rashba Yevamot:6, Chazon Ish Yoreh Deah 149:5-8, Chazon Ish Even Haezer 148, 32:1, all these sources were mentioned in the Minchat Asher Corona 157). All the best!
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