- Halacha
- Kaddish and Keddusha
May/should one answer to Kaddish in the middle of Hallel (and in Yehallucha)?
Thank you
Thank you for your question. The laws of interrupting Hallel are generally that one should be careful and not make any breaks from the start of Hallel, until the end of the closing bracha. However, if one hears a blessing, brachu, kedusha, or kaddish, one may answer – except for saying “Baruch u’varuch shemo”, which should not be said. Also, if one is saying the closing Yehallucha bracha and you hear the chazan finish his bracha, you do not answer amen. (source: Eishay Yisrael, (Hebrew) chapter 39. 46)

When does my kaddish end
Rabbi David Sperling | Tammuz 8, 5771

Saying kaddish for family member, not parent
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 13, 5781

Kaddish for a Fee
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 1 Cheshvan 5766

End of Kaddish
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar I 14, 5782

Spilling cold milk
Rabbi David Sperling | Av 19, 5774

Son of Levi and non-Jewish woman converts
Rabbi David Sperling | Elul 27, 5778

Bone Graft with Cadaver and Otologous (Self) Bone Mixtures
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 18, 5772