Ask the Rabbi

  • Halacha
  • Women's Prayer
קטגוריה משנית
Shalom! I am making gyur and I am a little bit confused about the prayers I should recite. I have a siddur which is very well structured anyhow, I am still confused where the prayer starts for women and which is for man and the women are not allowed to recite. I am talking about the Scharit. For example: in my Siddur, the first pages starts with the Modeh Ani and then continues with levisat titiit ad atifat talit- which i know is only for men, but i am confused on where it finishes and where the wome can continue from..
Shalom, Thank you for your question. Firstly, may you have every success in your studies, and may you merit to grow in your service of Hashem and love of Torah. When it comes to praying, the very best thing would be for you to sit down with your teacher, siddur in hand, and go over the prayer book together. Each siddur is slightly different (there are several different traditions) and so it is not so easy to send you a clear answer from this distance. Also, as you are growing in your Judaism, you probably should take upon yourself different parts of the prayer service piece by piece – and not take on saying everything everyday immediately. None the less, let me try to give you some outline as to what you might want to pray – 1. Modeh Ani upon awakening. (Artscroll Ashkanazi p. 2-3) 2. The blessings for washing your hands and using the bathroom – after you have finished your morning washing. (Artscroll Ashkanazi p. 14-15) 3. The “Morning Blessings” – including the blessing of the Torah, and the other morning blessings (Artscroll Ashkanazi p. 16-21) 4. Shema (Artscroll Ashkanazi p. 90-95) 5. Amidah – depending on if it’s a weekday (Artscroll Ashkanazi p. 98-119) or Shabbat (Artscroll Ashkanazi p. 420-431) 6. Alainu (Artscroll Ashkanazi p. 158-161) Of course, your siddur may have different page numbers. And, as we mentioned, without knowing your stage of learning, it is hard to know if what we have written here may be too much for you, or not enough. May you be blessed to get good advice from your teaches. Blessings.
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