Ask the Rabbi

  • Shabbat and Holidays
  • The Nine Days
קטגוריה משנית
is shabbat a holiday? Moreover, the source you quote does not mention “all Jews”. ^who is it speaking of? Lastly, this is a chassidic teaching that is very far from being a basic teaching of Judaism. In fact, apart from those who have seen it on that site, most Jews, even learned ones, would be unfamiliar with this source. ^which source are you referencing? a chassidic teaching ^do all orthodox rabbis agree that chassidic teachings are true? Is chassidus True? thanks
Shalom, Thank you for getting back to us again. (Just a note for the future – it’s not so easy to understand your questions when you send them back as comments inserted into the original answer. Perhaps you could try to write out your questions in full, and then we would be better able to answer you). Shabbat is not generally referred to as a holiday – rather the holidays usually refers to Passover, Shavuot, Succot, Rosh HaShona, Yom Kippur, and the minor festival of Chanukah and Purim. There are some other minor holidays also. Shabbat is generally referred to as Shabbat – or the Sabbath. In the original article it says “we are granted a vision” – it is probably referring to certain Jews who have attained a certain level of holiness in their souls. The source I am referring to is the article you sent me. In truth, this is such an unknown source that I am unaware of what the article’s source is when it refers to “Chassidic masters”. As to the acceptance (or not) of Chassidic teachings – there are many ideas in Chassidic teachings that are definitely accepted by all main stream Orthodox rabbis. However, not all Chassidic teachings are accepted by all – not only that, but not all Chassidic streams accept the teachings of other Chassidic streams. For example – today most Jews accept the Chassidic teachings of the Baal Shem Tov about the importance of loving every Jew, and the value of every act of every Jew, learned or otherwise. On the other hand, not even all the Chassidic groups accept the teachings of Rav Nachman of Breslov about the importance of setting aside time each day to go out into nature and talk to Hashem. There are endless examples for both types of teachings – those accepted by more people or by less. However, and this is an important point that I was trying to make in my first response – there is a major difference between this type of Chassidic teaching and other ideas in Judaism. Concepts such as the fact that all the Jewish people saw the revelation at Sinai, or even Rabbinic teachings such as the midrash that Terach, the farther of Avraham, was an idol worshiper, are important and essential parts of our tradition and faith. On the other hand, teachings, such as those you quoted about Shabbat Chazon, are fine ideas, and certainly can help us grow in our service of Hashem. But, they are not things that make up the essentials of Judaism. (And they are not even ideas that everyone “holds by”). Blessings. Chag Semach.
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