In light of the massive killing and extermination carried out in Gaza, and the massive enchantement seen in social media of isreali poulation from kids to adults, the only conclusion that can be drawn when making the comparaison with the historic facts of jews killing prophets is simple "a blind belief in supremacy" which is indoctrinated in every jew, a greenlight to kill everyone who stands in the way, despite what jews suffered in history by the hands pf the nazis and before that the pharoes who did exactely what is is being done to Gazans today, killing children and women, and pushing everyone out of their houses. How can we be so oblivious to past sins and continue to do worse and worse, it is all there in the Torah, and the old testament, in the Koran, the same descriptions of the evil acts of the isrealites of the past is what we are seeing today, how can one not be ashamed and carry on justifying the unjustifiable every second of the day? are we all blind or simply just pure hypocrites?
I'm sorry but your question is based upon a total misunderstanding of both history and of current events. The Holocaust was a pre-meditated (!) systematic and technological murder of millions of innocent Jews who didn't threaten the murderers whatsover- just by their race, as opposed to Israel's retaliation to the Hamas cold-blooded attack (!) in order to free our 120 hostages still being held, & deter similar barbaric mass-murderers in Gaza. It seems you have been overinfluenced by the anti-Jewish press, who apparently reversed the facts, for it was precisely the Hamas who gleefully filmed their own brutality while decapitating Jewish babies, bragging to their families in live time, as opposed to Israel which, I know firsthand from my sons, that even stops attacks on terrorists if there are children in the area. It's true, in war, inevitably there are always innocent killed, and Hamas should have thought of that before attacking, and before hiding their missiles in kindergartens and hospitals (which the Geneva Convention states justifies Israel's bombing).
I'm not a specialist, but supposedly Fox News is more objective and less anti-Semitic, so if you are Jewish or objective, you can see the more accurate story there. On the other hand, if you're anti-Semitic, experience shows that you will always be anti-Jewish, so there's really nothing to speak about.

Selling flour for pesach
Rabbi David Sperling | Adar II 26, 5774

Milchig spoon used for chicken soup
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 4, 5778

Tzniut in the Torah
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 29 Iyyar 5764