Ask the Rabbi

קטגוריה משנית
Hi I have a bookshelf which is not very strong. I have placed my heavy Talmud seforim on the bottom shelf as they are heavy, so as to make the bookshelf stable. I have secular books on higher shelves, as they are lighter. Is this halachically permitted to have a secular book above a Talmud on a bookshelf? Secondly, I have siddurim, other halachic texts and also Tanakh on certain stronger shelves, as these books are heavier and I have secular books higher up on the bookshelf. Is this a halachic issue, particularly regarding the Tanakh? Thanks for your help
Shalom, Thank you for your questions. There is no problem having secular books on a top shelf and religious books on a lower shelf – each shelf unto itself. There is also no problem of having your Tanach etc on a lower shelf than secular books. Blessings.
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