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קטגוריה משנית
If I get on a Jerusalem light rail to go just one stop and I discover my Rav Kav has run out while I am on the train and I didn’t pay for the journey and I have to get of the next stop anyway, and there were no ticket inspectors, am I obligated to buy a ticket and destroy it after I get off the train or to scan my rav kav on another train without getting on? Also no one saw me and I didn’t get caught. Thanks in advance
ב"ה Shalom First allow me to clarify. A passenger is required to pay for each ride regardless of ticket inspectors or someone seeing you. It is good that you feel responsible for not having paid. I understand that there is a possibility upon getting on a train or a bus to be asked to be charged twice in order to cover for your "free" ride. So either do that or find another way to pay. All the best
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