- Halacha
- Laying of Tefillin
- Halacha
- Customs of Pronunciation and Wording
Where do the different methods of wrapping tefillin come from? What are the sources for how to wrap?
I wrap in the following style. Who instituted this style and why? http://www.shemayisrael.co.il/tefillin/sefard.htm
Is there a contradiction if I wrap outwardly, as in the picture, with Ktav Ha’Ari Tefillin, but use an Ashkenaz Siddur?
The answer is similar to the one given in regard to your question of being consistent with the customs in regard to the writing of the Tefillin and the way the Tefillin straps are wound.
The illustration in the link you posted, shows putting on the Tefillin outwardly. This is consistent with the Sepahrdic and Chassidic custom. The two ways of winding the tefillin are mentioned in the Bet Yosef of hilchot Tefillin. (Tur Orach Chaim 27) The direction the Tefillin are wound stems basically from the way the knot of the "yud" is tied on the Shel Yad. In the Bet Yosef, he quoted the Mahari Ben Chaviv who verbally describes the way the knot is made. The intention of each custom is to make the yud as close as possible to the "Bayit" of the Tefillin.
The Rema who forms the basis for the Askenaz minhag says to wind the Tefillin inwardly which is opposed to the Sephardic and Chassidic minhag.
All the best.

Shin on Hand Tefillin
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Av 30, 5774

The holidays without Teffilin
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | Tevet 3, 5769

Tefillin in a long workday
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 9 Cheshvan 5763

Mistakes in a Bracha and the placment of Tefillin
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Elul 11, 5779

Wearing Kippa while Sleeping
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 27 Cheshvan 5765

Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 27, 5781

Non-Jewish spouse at Seder
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 23 Nisan 5766

Meaning of "bowel" in Tanach
Rabbi David Sperling | Av 7, 5779

Gentile inferiority due to genetics.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 6, 5785

Re how does God do terrible things to people
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 26, 5785

coffee creamer
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 25, 5785