- Shabbat and Holidays
- General Questions
To: Whom it may concern,
I am a Christian and I would like to celebrate Passover next month. However, I live with my parents and they will not allow me to remove all leavened food from our house. Can I still celebrate Passover with leavened food in my house?
I’m eagerly awaiting your response.
As a non-Jew, there is no obligation whatsoever to remove the leavened food from your or your parents' home. To the contrary, one should be very tolerant and not force his beliefs on others, how much more so, his parents, where it can lead to family strife.

Fire on Shabbat
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 26 Cheshvan 5767

Kipa Sruga- The Crocheted Kipa- Where & Why did it start?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Elul 18, 5780

The name Mia
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 21 Iyyar 5763