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זמני היום בלוח השנה הפופולרי של אתר ישיבה. אפשר לצפות כאן בכל זמני היום הרלוונטים, החל מעלות השחר, הנץ החמה וזמני סוף קריאת שמע וסוף זמן תפילה, ועד זמן חצות היום והלילה, זמן פלג המנחה, שקיעה וצאת הכוכבים. ניתן לבחור להציג את זמני היום במאות ערים ויישובים שונים בארץ ובעולם. זמני היום המוצגים באתר נקבעו על פי התייעצות עם תלמידי חכמים מובהקים, כפי שמפורט בעקרונות זמני היום שבלוח השנה.
Limud Yomi Register
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Sukkot - Commemorating What?
In the midrash we find three explanations for this mitzva.
אריה מינקוב ק (36).JPG
Sukkot, Emunah & Cherophobia: Solving the Fears of Happiness
Sukkot is the climax of agricultural success, but also brings with it the anxiety & nervousness regarding the upcoming season. The Sukkah represents the clouds which precede the rainy season, & are the time when God judges us regarding rain. Cherophobia is a common problem where happiness & accomplishment are accompanied by fear: After I've achieved my goals, there's a feeling of emptiness- What do I do now?!". Also, we ask like Kohelet, "Why am I still not happy?!". There's also the fear that I may lose or someone will take away what I've achieved. Also the fear "what if people reveal that I'm really not so talented?". Sukkot are termed in kabbala: "The Shade of Emuna", that only God has absolute success, & only He can provide security regarding past & future.
Sukkot stories
"Rabbi Alnekaveh told a story he heard once from an etrog-seller who used to bring Rav Eliyahu etrogim to check: "It is well-known that Rab Eliyahu could look at an etrog for mere seconds and immediately discern its advantages and defects..."
הסוכה- המיוחדות והעוצמה של הדיבור
מה הקשר בין ענייני חג הסוכות ליכולת שלנו לדבר?

Mishnat Harav

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook
Mishnat Harav
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Machashavot Charutz

Rabbi Tzadok Hacohen Milublin
Machashavot Charutz
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Orot Yisrael

Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanowitz
Orot Yisrael
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Lazman Haze

Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
Lazman Haze
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Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook
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Bina Le'itim

Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanowitz
Bina Le'itim
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Lazman Haze - Jerusalem day

Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed
Lazman Haze - Jerusalem day
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Gregorian advanced yeshiva site making this calendar have been invested great efforts both from the technical side and in terms of laws and political calendar and times for not printing a calendar from the website for commercial use without written permission.

The calendar also contains death dates of one Israel Memorial candle Simon in the calendar shows days of remembrance on the same date, click the date on the calendar on the left to display the memory belonging to the same day, in addition to the times, click the name of the deceased will complement the existing content on the site, you can use the top to convert calendar date Hebrew calendar date to Gregorian and vice versa, select the date that you want to display in the calendarAnd the date will appear at the top of the calendar date when Hebrew and Gregorian date."
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר yeshiva.org.il