- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Tzav
The concept of v’tzivanu rubs us the wrong way. We are by nature rebellious against authority imposed upon us by others. From infancy onward we demand to do it all by ourselves when and how we wish to do it at all. Therefore we can sense what the rabbis meant that at the acceptance of the Torah at Mount Sinai by the people of Israel the mountain hung over their heads as a terrible and enforced burden. Here they were going to be commanded to do things a certain exact way, to make the Torah’s values supreme over their own personal desires, logic and way of life. But they were warned then that abandoning the Torah and not following the instructional manual would bring personal and national problems, tragedies, defections and harsh judgments. The mountain still hangs over our heads as we are witness to this fact in so many facets of our lives. So again we are brought full circle to the idea of tzav and v’tzivanu. The concept of tzav as promulgated in this week’s parsha is not addressed solely to Aaron and his descendants but it is part of the heritage of Judaism for all Jews and for all who wish to witness Jewish continuity in their families and the Jewish people as a whole.

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