- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Bechukotai
- Sections
- Family & the Parsha
The Torah study is dedicatedin the memory of
Robert Chai ben Myriam
The media server is dedicated by the Green family to the souls of their loved ones

"The Land which ..the eyes of the Lord your God are always upon her"
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 18 5782

What Does The Land Want?
Parashat Bechukotai
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | 19 Iyar 5765

The Foreign Ministry and Relations with Egypt
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | 5773

Parashat Behukotai
Rabbi Carmi Horowitz | 5766

May I take a Nice Hot Shower on Yom Tov?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5769

An Enduring Name, Better than Sons and Daughters
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5774

Writing on Shabbat
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff