- Sections
- Ein Ayah
Ein Ayah: There are two types of impacts of the deeply evil. There is a directly negative power, which is a result of jealousy, which destroys things around it. There is also a "constructive" power, which builds and renews bad buildings and polluted creations. The latter is actually connected to the foundation of the greatness of creation and the strength of existence, as it demonstrates its strength to the lowest and darkest depths. When these powers find resistance from the wisdom of the Torah and are held back from their wild running forth, they turn into wonderful powers. They are able to connect the depths and darkness of evil to the loftiness of good.
Light and goodness along with the source of life are blessed by their contact with both the upper and lower "pipes." Jealousy is indeed as powerful as death, and it is responsible for murder and thievery. Illicit sexual urges, which pollute the soul with great intensity, can, when properly controlled, be powers that connect to the greatness of the universe. The divine light gives life to the depths and uncovers the light that is concealed among the darkness. This can only be accomplished when the light of the divine Torah is given to people who experience jealousy and an evil inclination. They can then bring the fortunate life of controlling those evil things to the creatures of the Heaven (i.e., angels).

Honor to Improve Humanity
Various Rabbis | 5773

Why The World Needs an Occasional "Shake-Up"
Ein Aya Shabbat 5,23
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Iyar 5783

Truth is Inside-Out But Justice: Outside-In
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 5783

"Various Levels of Bad & Their Exact Judgement"
(Ein Aya Shabbat Shabbat 5, 29)
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tammuz 5783

What Happens When Purim Falls on Shabbos?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar 13 5781

Halachot of Purim Meshulash
What Happens When Purim Coincides With Shabbos?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar 2 5768

Abraham’s 10 tests and consequences
Rabbi Avraham (Abe) Abrahami

Days on Which Tachanun Is Not Recited
Chapter Twenty One-Part Three
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5775

P'ninat Mishpat: Upper Property’s Responsibility for Flooding
based on ruling 82008 of the Eretz Hemdah-Gazit Rabbinical Courts
Beit Din Eretz Hemda - Gazit | Adar 5784

Public Response to Zealous Defense of Rav Kook – #308
Date and Place: 15 Sivan 5670 (1910), Yafo
Beit Din Eretz Hemda - Gazit | Adar 5785

Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 83
R' Eli Stefansky | 10 Adar 5785