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It is a good practice to bring younger children – from age five or six – to the synagogue to hear the Megilla. Even though they have not yet reached the age of education in the mitzva of Megilla reading, as they cannot listen to the entire Megilla meticulously, it is still good to bring them, because they understand the main gist of the story. However, one should not bring small children to the synagogue if they are liable to disrupt the reading and make it difficult for others to hear the Megilla. One must take care not to try to go beyond the letter of the law in educating his children at the expense of the other synagogue attendees, who might suffer because of his children’s disruptions. 9
In order to stimulate joy and grab the children’s attention, there is a custom for the congregation to read aloud four verses that essentially signal the beginning and end of the miracle. Afterward, the reader reads these verses again from the scroll (Rema 690:17; MB 689:16; based on Mordechai and Levush). (The verses are: "A Jewish man" [Esther 2:5]; "Mordechai left" [ibid. 8:15]; "The Jews" [ibid. 8:16]; and "For Mordechai" [ibid. 10:3].)
It seems that the purpose of the custom to "beat" Haman with noisemakers is, likewise, to excite the children during the Megilla reading. However, one must be careful not to lend undue importance to this custom and not to make noise when the reader continues to read the Megilla (SA 690:17; also see MB ad loc. 59 and BHL).

To Drink or Not to Drink?
Rabbi Yehuda Spitz | Adar 7 5777

Purim Is Here - What Do I Do?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Adar 13 5781

12. The Meaning of the Mitzva of Drinking
Chapter 16: The Mitzvot of Joy and Kindness
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Tevet 5 5782

What Happens When Purim Falls on Shabbos?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar 13 5781

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed
Rosh Yeshiva of Har Bracha and rabbi of the settlement.
18. Torah Verses in the Prayers and in the Berakha of She-asa Li Kol Tzorki
Chapter 10: The Laws of Tisha Be-Av
Cheshvan 27 5782
Preventing Possible Disruptions in Prayer
Chapter five-part three
Washing One’s Hands in the Morning
Chapter eight-part one
1. The Enduring Holiday of Hanuka
Chapter 11: Hanuka
Cheshvan 27 5782

What Is the Significance of the Number 40 in Jewish Tradition?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Tevet 4 5782

The Mitzvah of Mezuzah for Renters
Rabbi Hershel Schachter | כ' טבת תשס"א

The Mitzvah of Mezuzah for Renters
Rabbi Hershel Schachter | כ' טבת תשס"א

Days on Which Tachanun Is Not Recited
Chapter Twenty One-Part Three
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5775
Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 83
R' Eli Stefansky | 10 Adar 5785
Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 87
R' Eli Stefansky | 14 Adar 5785

Ask the Rabbi: Watching a Bar Mitzva Videoed on Shabbat
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar 5785