Beit Midrash

  • Torah Portion and Tanach
  • Vayelech
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
As the New Year approaches, demons and spirits from the past, present and future flood us: what will happen in the new year? What will happen in the country? In the family? In my personal life?

This Shabbat's Torah reading, Nitzavim, standing, shows us the answer: "You are standing today before the Lord your God". The word "nitzav" means to stand upright; not necessarily in the arrogant sense but in stability, confidence and faith. It's not easy to be upright these days. Progressive culture glorifies people who are subordinate, who move and sway every way the wind blows. The politically correct sometimes refer to this in terms such as "sensitive and inclusive", even though these kinds of people only include and are sensitive to themselves. It is the pursuit of every passing fad; it is an attempt to flatter the dominant culture; it is a media judgment for a side that is perceived as weak regardless of the truth; these are the fears of Arabs, thugs and "what will they say about me?"

For those who do not stand up straight before God, there really are reasons to fear the New Year – who knows? Maybe someone will shame them in the coming year? Maybe the country will be destroyed? Maybe I won't get the money, honor, health, and sense of purism that I can't live without?

Whoever stands upright before God hears the continuation of the Torah – "to pass you into the covenant of the Lord"; there is a covenant between us and God! This is not a promise to accept our interest here and now; "covenant" means connection. There is an inseparable connection between us and our God. This is the simple and clear sound made by the shofar. We will stand before the New Year, knowing that our God will lead us exactly – but exactly – to where we need to go.

Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova!

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