Beit Midrash

  • Torah Portion and Tanach
  • Noach
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Answer: On Shmini Azeret/Simchat Torah at Musaf,
we began to ask for rain with the prayer Mashiv
HaRuach U'Morid haGashem. This Motzei Shabbat
(Oct. 21) which is 7 Cheshvan, we in Israel
insert an additional petition for rain - V'tayn
tal u'matar - in the Amida’s "Barech Aleynu"
bracha, where we ask for Hashem's sustenance,
which is linked to rain, which is much needed at
this time in Israel. Shmuel the Sage established
the Diaspora petition to begin on the 60th day
after the autumnal equinox (when rain was needed
in Babylonia), a solar figure which falls on
either Dec. 4 or 5. This remains the Diaspora
date, no matter where one resides in the
Diaspora. One who forgets this petition must say
the Amida over again. If in doubt, he must repeat
the Amida, unless he has said the phrase for 30
days (or repeated it 90 times!) to habituate
himself to saying it. An Israeli who began to say
V'tayn tal u'matar & then travels abroad,
continues to say it there, unless he acts as Chazan.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר