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Below is a simplified guide to the practices of Erev Pesach that falls on Shabbos.
Since Erev Pesach is Shabbos, Taanis Bechoros is pushed forward to Thursday. A bechor or father of a minor bechor is obligated to fast on Thursday, but can discharge his obligation by making or attending a siyum.
Thursday night- Bedikas Chometz
Regular bedikas chometz is performed with a bracha. After completing the bedikah, one recites the first bitul.
Friday morning davening is regular, without tachanun because of Nisan. Although on Erev Pesach, we do not say mizmor lisodah and lamenatzeiach in davening, we do say these parts in Friday davening since it is not Erev Pesach.
Make sure to have sold your chometz by now.
Burning the Chometz.
We burn chometz on Friday morning even though one may own chometz until Shabbos morning. Place the chometz to be eaten on Shabbos in a secure place and make a mental note where that chometz is. We do not recite the second bitul after burning the chometz, but instead recite it on Shabbos morning when we finish eating chometz.
Melacha on Erev Shabbos.
Although it is prohibited to do melacha on Erev Pesach afternoon, one may do melacha Friday this year which is not Erev Pesach.
Viduy Maasros.
Because this year is Shmittah, anyone who owns terumos or maasros must give it away today, and maaser sheni money must be destroyed.
Eruvei Chatzeiros. The minhag is to renew an eruv chatzeiros on Erev Pesach. This year it should be renewed on Erev Shabbos.
Seder preparations.
Ideally, all the seder preparations should be performed on Friday, including roasting the zaroa and the egg, preparing the saltwater, making the charoses, checking and washing the marror, grinding the horseradish. Make sure to open the boxes of matzohs and bottles of wine as one would before Shabbos.
Shabbos Food Preparations.
If preparing chometz-dik food, do not make sticky chometz-dik food that will stick to pots or plates. (Presumably, most people will prepare Pesach-dik food for all meals.)
Shabbos Candles.
Be careful not to place the Shabbos candelabra on a tablecloth that one is serving chometz since one will be unable to remove the neiros in order to remove the cloth.
Planning three meals.
Friday night meal.
One should kindle the Shabbos lights near where one intends to eat the Friday night meal.
One is required to recite Hamotzi at the first two Shabbos meals using lechem mishneh. One may use a matzoh for lechem mishneh, but many poskim consider the matzoh that one intends to use for the seder as muktzah.
If one wants to eat chometz in one part of the house and the meal in another, one may, since his intent when washing and making hamotzi is to eat his seudah this way. He should return to the original place for bensching. Each person should eat at least one kibeitzah of bread to fulfill the mitzvah of seudas Shabbos and the netilas yadayim with a bracha. (Since one may not weigh on Shabbos, one who decides to weigh his chometz should do so before Shabbos.)
If eating matzoh ashirah (egg or grape matzoh, or matzoh cookies) for the seudos, Ashkenazim should eat as much matzoh ashirah as one would eat with this type of a meal (i.e., certainly more than a kibeitzah). Sefardim should eat four kibeitzim of the matzoh ashirah. (Note that someone who has the custom not to eat matzoh after Purim or Rosh Chodesh may still eat matzoh ashirah.)
According to most poskim, one may eat regular matzoh for the Friday evening meal. Thus, this is an option for someone who does not want chometz in the house and cannot eat the amount of matzoh ashirah mentioned above.
If one is serving a hot meal on chometz plates that was cooked in a Pesach-dik pot, one should pour the hot food into a Pesach plate or platter before pouring it into chometz plates. (Presumably, most people will be serving the meals on disposable.)
Shabbos Morning.
Daven early. One is required to eat one meal in the morning. There is a hidur to eat two meals on the morning of Erev Pesach, separated briefly. (According to many poskim, one cannot do this if one eats only matzoh ashirah for the day meals.)
For those who wish to eat two meals in the morning, I suggest:
Immediately after davening, make kiddush, hamotzi, eat a piece of fish, and bensch.
Take a break and begin the next seudah with enough time to finish eating the main course (at least) before the latest time to eat chometz. Some poskim prefer eating the meat also with the first morning meal before breaking. One who follows this approach should not eat so much that he cannot eat the next meal.
Bitul chometz.
When one has completed the eating of the chometz, recite the second bitul chometz. Dispose of the remaining chometz into the toilet or garbage (if it is within the eruv), but do not place inside your own garbage can. One may continue eating the meal without new brachos, notwithstanding that he may no longer eat chometz.
Shabbos afternoon
Since most people follow the opinion of davening mincha before seudah shlishis, one should daven mincha early.
Seudah shlishis
In the early afternoon, one may serve a heavy Pesach-dik meal (meat, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, etc.) without any hamotzi at all. It is recommended to eat kneidlich at this meal if you eat "gebroktz." It is permitted to eat kneidlich even if you have a minhag not to eat matzoh from Purim or from Rosh Chodesh. Sefardim may serve matzoh ashirah at seudah shlishis.
If one eats kneidlich or matzoh ashirah for seudah shlishis, one should complete eating seudah shlishis before the "tenth hour," which is a half hour before "mincha ketana," or three quarters of the day. Some authorities contend that even those who eat only fruit and vegetables this Shabbos for seudah shlishis should eat before the tenth hour. One may eat a small quantity of fruit or vegetables after this point.
It is advisable to take a nap Shabbos afternoon, but one should not mention that he is taking a nap in order to be awake for the Seder. (Some poskim consider this preparing on Shabbos for after Shabbos.)
Most poskim contend that one should not carry one’s Seder matzos before Shabbos is over. Since many people take their own matzoh to the Seder if they are eating at someone else’s house, one should not carry these matzos until Shabbos is over. Also remember not to begin preparations for the Seder until Shabbos is over and one says "Baruch HaMavdil bein Kodesh l’kodesh."
Chag Kosher vi-somayach!!
This Shiur is published also at Rabbi Kaganof's site

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