Lessons on Passover - Pesach

Tie Us to the Holiday
Rabbi Haggai Lundin | 23 Nissan 5784

Chol HaMoed – Weekday or Yom Tov?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 13 Nissan 5784

"Pull and Take" the Passover Lamb
Rabbi Yosef Nave | 11 Nissan 5784

The bitter & the sweet
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | 10 Nissan 5784

9 Short But New Ideas on the Haggada for your Seder Table
Everyone needs chiddushim (new ideas) every year for their Seder, and this class supplies that need, including timely ideas for our present war with Hamas and relating to the non-religious.
Rabbi Ari Shvat | 8 Nissan 5784

How Many K’zeitim and Why?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | 6 Nissan 5784

The Month of Turning Sins into Merits
Rabbi Yosef Nave | 4 Nissan 5784