articles on Observations on Torah Study

The Torah is for all
The Torah was always the same Torah for all Jews.

Holiness through Nature
Can we rely on the Torah’s promise of agricultural blessing in the sixth year nowadays?

Sparks of Teshuva
The month of Elul has arrived, and it's a good time to make teshuva, click here to watch Sparks of Teshuva - Ideas From Orot Hatshuvah

Delay in marriage - Why can't I get married?
Hi, I’m 40 years old and I can't seem to get married, what can I do so I could meet the man that I wish to be with?
Lessons on Observations on Torah Study

Why do we forget our Torah study?
Rabbi Michael Linetsky | Tishrei 29 5782

The Kipa Caper
A boy got hit by a car next to Rav Moshe Fienstien's house. What was Rav Moshe's surprising response...
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Adar 7 5781

Don't Just be Religious: Be Godly!
Two Ways that Learning Torah Brings Us Closer to God:
In general there are 3 ways of coming close to God: most common, either through emotion or intellect, but then Judaism adds: or to be "similar" [=close] to Him. The greatest gift that He could give us is the "Tzelem Elohim", or capability of imitateo dei, being Godly. The she'ur discusses the advantages & disadvantages of each approach to Him. Most importantly, we can't understand His Essence, but we can amd should understand His actions. This is the ultimate in both the Rambam's rational and also the kabbalistic approach to Judaism. Rav Kook explains that the 13 traits of God, as well as the 10 sfirot, all detailus what to emulate. This has far-reaching ramifications for prayer, study as well as defining our goal and potential in life!
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Sivan 4 5780

The Mysterious Sefer Torah
When Stuart Mintz's life is saved twice by a Sefer Torah, he begins retracing his steps wondering if it might be the same one. A moving story that reminds us how Torah protects and supports those who support and uphold it.
Rabbi Yoel Gold

Meet Mr. Appelbaum
A 100-Year-old man reveals his life-long secret to staying healthy.
Rabbi Yoel Gold | Nisan 25 5780

The Torah’s Impact on Our Spiritual and Physical Lives
Various Rabbis | 5775

The Relative Values of History and Torah
Various Rabbis | 5775