Lessons on Mitzvot of the Land of Israel

Accepting Hashem’s Kingdom
Aroch Siach, Yamim Noraim, an address from 5714 (1953)
Chazal set a role for all of the special days. We should clarify to what extent the days fulfill their roles, including their special place within the year.
Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Elul 25 5782

Does Pruzbol Ruin the Ability to Fulfill Shemittat Kesafim?
Why can’t the prz apply to everything, and I still fulfill the mitzva by voluntarily waiving my right to payment of the loan of my choice?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Elul 19 5782

The mitzvah of Shemittas Kesafim comes into effect this year immediately before Rosh Hashanah. This law cancels all debts that someone is owed, meaning that the creditor cannot force collection.
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Elul 17 5782

Otzar Bais Din or Heter Otzar Beis Din
An Otzar Beis Din is literally ‘a storehouse operated by Beis Din.’ Why would Beis Din operate a warehouse?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Elul 10 5782

Shemittas Kesafim
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 27 Av 5782

Separating Terumah and Maaser
I have been looking for a specialty shampoo that contains oat bran. Someone found it in a very expensive store, and it does exactly what I want. One day, after showering, I noticed the label says that it is made in Israel! Does this mean that it is prohibited as Tevel?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tamuz 1 5782

Giving Away Orla Fruit
I have a tree in its second year, so that its fruit is orla. Can I suggest to my non-Jewish worker to take it?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 17 5782