Lessons on Zmanim - Jewish Holidays

Chanukah – An Illuminating Faith
The Chanukah candles teach us that Jewish faith does not lose its strength. To the contrary, despite the hardships and darkness, faith persists, and even blossoms. The refined spirituality that is revealed through the Torah is eternal, and it grows.
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | kislev 5768

The Laws of Chanukah - Part I
A Festive Meal? How Many Lights Should Be Lit? Refraining from Labors While Candles Burn Chanukah Candles and Oils Placing the Chanukiah
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

The Laws of Chanukah - Part II
Lighting Times; The Shamash; Lighting in Public Places Timing; Chanukah and Torah Learning.
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

Adar and the Four Parshiot
Part One
Part One
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5761