Beit Midrash

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6 Lessons
    Klal Yisra'el

    Try This at Home: Two Proven Methods to Increase Love of G-d

    Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira | 8 Elul 5783
    Klal Yisra'el

    Israel - The Fall and Rise, and Fall and Rise

    Rabbi Dov Lior | 1 Elul 5783
    37 min
    Ein Aya

    Why Donate a Kiddush?! Life of Greatness With Israel or Life of Smallness Alone

    Ein Aya, Shabbat 2, 283

    Rav Kook explains why our sages teach us the custom to donate a Kiddush, contribution etc. to the shul, community or to Israel, to commemorate & celebrate an individual simcha, milestone or recuperation. Most people are preoccupied with their small and immature self-centered concerns, but a more worthwhile, mature, satisfying & idealistic option is to live a life of greatness as part of Am Yisrael, the Chosen Nation, adding depth and meaning to an otherwise, small life.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Av 4 5781
    Klal Yisra'el

    Jewish Growth

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Cheshvan 24 5781
    4 min
    Klal Yisra'el

    A Dream Come True

    A story about the killed soldier Erez Deri which proves the Jewish nation is one family forever despite all the differences between us.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Elul 18 5779
    5 min
    Klal Yisra'el

    The Name Heard Round the World

    An amazing story about the true spiritual connection within the nation of Israel.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Av 27 5779
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר