Beit Midrash

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7 Lessons
    The Holidays of Tishrei

    Don't Let Them Get Us Down

    Rabbi Haggai Lundin | 12 Tishrei 5784
    The Holidays of Tishrei

    After the Holidays

    The distance between where we were spiritually in the month of Tishrei and where we are spiritually today may be significant. Yet we should never despair of our abilities to improve and succeed in every facet of human living.

    Rabbi Berel Wein
    The Holidays of Tishrei

    Yom Kippur And Succot

    Rabbi Berel Wein | 5773
    The Holidays of Tishrei

    The Days Between Yom Kippur and Sukkot

    Only on the first day of Sukkot, when we fulfill the commandments of Sukkah and Lulav, do worldly matters “settle in” and take hold with the desired level of sanctity. Therefore, the fifteenth of Tishrei is the first day for reckoning transgressions.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | 5765
    The Holidays of Tishrei

    The Fast of Gedaliah

    Some days possess special intensity. Such days, if we are worthy, turn into holidays. If, Heaven forbid, we are not worthy, they can become days of extreme trial - as in the time of Gedaliah ben Achikam. But the possibility of rectification remains.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | 5755
    The Holidays of Tishrei

    The Days Between Yom Kippur and Succoth

    The days between Yom Kippur and Succoth are directed towards preparing man for his return to the affairs of this world in a suitable and sacred manner. The transition involved in descending from the height attained on Yom Kippur to normal daily existence.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Tishrei
    The Essence of Rosh Hashana

    The Essence of the Days of Awe

    The process of drawing near to the Almighty cannot come about in skips and bounds; rather, it must play itself out step by step: First comes service based upon fear; and then, only afterwards, service deriving from love

    Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli zt"l | Tishrei 5721
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר