May one rely on the Shulchan Hatahor (Komarno) for halacha Lemaaseh?
Only when he is quoted by a recognized posek, and even that may just be brought to disagree, so always see it in the full context. The problem is that there are certain "maverick" ideas there which are definitely not mainstream in halacha and clearly not accepted, which you may not recognize as such, so don't learn it for practical halacha, for it may easily be confusing. On the other hand, when the Piskei Teshuvot or other authorities quote him l'ma'aseh, it is definitely legitimate.

Which Prophets did Israel kill?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 25, 5785

Bracha on instant oatmeal
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Kislev 15, 5769

When does the Jewish day begin?
Rabbi David Sperling | Nisan 10, 5775

Dressing up as Santa Claus on Purim
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 20, 5777

Selling chametz online
Rabbi David Sperling | Adar 22, 5773

Disowning a Son
Rabbi Eliezer S. Weisz | 4 Iyyar 5764

Noahide laws and Islam
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 21 Sivan 5765

Disowning a Son
Rabbi Eliezer S. Weisz | 4 Iyyar 5764

Gentile inferiority due to genetics.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 6, 5785

Yiddish to Hebrew
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 1, 5785

coffee creamer
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 25, 5785