parshat Kedoshim
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Kil’ayim is not crossbreeding!!
Parshas Kedoshim contains one of the two places in the Torah where the Mitzvos of kKil’ayim are taught. -
Sanctify Yourself
What is unique about the level of kedusha that Am Yisrael has that makes it a higher level of kedusha than the standard kedusha every human being has? -
All of the Jewish People, Including the Street Cleaners
Who does God consider to be holy? What is a sanitation worker's job? What is Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu's response to someone who wants to be like a priest in the Temple? -
Striking a Balance
A person must realize that each time he succeeds in struggle with the sexual drive, not only has he refrained from committing a transgression, he has even performed a great mitzvah!
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