The Jewish nation left Egypt and came To Yeshiva Website

30 Nisan 5778

Almost 600,000 different people surfed Yeshiva Website in the last month.

אתר ישיבה
שימוש בתמונה זו נעשה בהתאם לסעיף 27א לחוק זכויות יוצרים. אם הנכם בעלי הזכויות בתמונה זו ומעוניינים שנחדול משימושה או נעדכן קרדיט מתאים, אנא פנו אלינו לכתובת: [email protected]
During the last month, Yeshiva Website's team worked hard around the clock to bring you, at any time, the most relevant and most accurate content, and in the easiest and simplest way possible. We had two live sessions of Q&As for Pesach, we published articles which gather answers to new questions, we opened new WhatsApp and Telegram groups (as for now there are 7of them), we are sending daily reminders for Sefirat HaOmer in our app, uploading more and more lessons and Halachot to the website, and we don't stop for a minute.

The results speak for themselves, a bit more than 580,000 different surfers visited Yeshiva Website over the last month, and that's without counting all the members of our WhatsApp groups. Almost 600,000 people that came to freedom, and received help from Yeshiva Website, to learn Torah, to get an answer to your question, to know and to be ready for the upcoming holiday.

We are witnessing continuous attempts of different people to attack our website, a thing that leaves us no choice but to add more and more improvements and layers of protection on our website. So far, thank G-d, they haven't managed to hurt us, despite their daily attempts.

Regarding the discussion around the president of Honduras lighting a beacon on Yom Ha'atzmaut, let us tell a little anecdote about a request we received from someone living in this country. Honduras is a republic in Central America, that borders the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. A guy who lives there, at the age of 23, approached us and told us that as a result of his last name, he is assuming that he's Jewish, a decedent of the Anusim of Spain and that he wants to shed some light on his Jewish origin. So it appears that even in Honduras, people visit Yeshiva Website.

We are happy and thankful to God, for the privilege that he gave us, to use the internet as a tool to spread the divine decree in the world. We continue to do it all the time, in order to keep on bringing you quality content in advanced technological tools, because that's what internet is for!
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