- Halacha
- General Questions
What are the issurim involved in smoking hashish specifically and drugs generally?
The issurim are the following:
One must gaurd his life and soul - Venishmartem Meod Lenafshoteichem.
One must keep his mind intact. - Venishmartem Meod Lenafshoteichem.
One must not be dependant on others. - Veahavta Lereacha Kamocha.
Rabbi Ro'i Margalit.

Shlita - Why only for Rabbis
Rabbi David Sperling | Elul 8, 5773

BS"D or B"H on Letterhead
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 8 Iyyar 5765

Gifts and new clothes during the year of mourning
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Cheshvan 3, 5771

Sfardim Ashkenazim
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Cheshvan 24, 5784

Pesach - leaving home before Pesach
Rabbi David Sperling | Adar II 22, 5771

7 days Sheva Brochos for converts
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | Tevet 3, 5768

Royal Jelly
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 20 Sivan 5767

Havdalah from Shabbat to Yom Tov
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 10 Cheshvan 5763

Bar Mitzva for adult who missed it
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 6, 5785

Yiddish to Hebrew
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 1, 5785

Re how does God do terrible things to people
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 26, 5785