- Family and Society
- Challa and Others
What are the Halachot reagrding making Challah?
i.e. How much is enough to separate for, and how much must be separated?
Also when do i say a Bracha for it, and how much needs to be separated in order to make a Bracha?
In general terms, you would separate a small amount (Kazait) from the dough, say the Bracha as appears in the Siddur and burn it.
The amount of flour that requires separation is: up to 1.25kg - no Challa needs to be separated, 1.25-2.25 kg - without a Bracha, over 2.25 kg - with a Bracha.
The exact measurement differs between the different Halachic authorities so you can find some different figures to those above.

Maaserot Bracha on vegetables grown in pots
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | Cheshvan 12, 5769

Buying food from Israel Shmitta
Rabbi David Sperling | Tevet 10, 5781

Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 19 Tevet 5767

Taking Challah
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 11 Kislev 5766

Noahide laws and Islam
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 21 Sivan 5765

On which day may one start wishing "Shabbat Shalom"?
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 9, 5780

When does the Jewish day begin?
Rabbi David Sperling | Nisan 10, 5775

Feeding Animals on Passover
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 30 Nisan 5765

Gentile inferiority due to genetics.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 6, 5785

Re how does God do terrible things to people
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 26, 5785

Being like God
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 2, 5785