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If I am flying overnight, i assume that i daven shacharit or anything else at the time it is currently whereever the plane is? also what does one do in terms of birkat tzitzit, birkot hashachar and etc. if you don’t sleep during the flight (or if you do?) ?
The Igrot Moshe (V3 96) writes that as soon as it is light outside the plane one may pray as it is regarded daytime for the travelers.
One who did not sleep (minimum necessary: half an hour) during the night says all the Birkot Hashachar except:
1. Al Netilat Yadayim - only after using the bathroom.
2. Elokai Neshama and Hamavir Sheina - he has to hear from someone who slept.
3. Birkot Hatorah - if he slept during the previous day he may make the blessings otherwise he has to hear them from someone else. In the case there is none else, he should have Kavana while saying Ahava Rabba.
Rabbi Chaim Shreiber

One who doesn’t have minhag avos and without minhag avos
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Elul 6, 5777

prayer vs meditation vs hitbidedut
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Tishrei 24, 5780

Cruise ship prayer
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Sivan 5, 5784

Tefillin Ben Noach
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 2, 5781

Noahide laws and Islam
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 21 Sivan 5765

Is Induction Cooktop good for Pessach?
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Cheshvan 11, 5770

Meaning of the name "Yaakov"
Rabbi Berel Wein | 2 Kislev 5763