- Torah and Jewish Thought
- Torah Teachings
In a trip to Israel I visited the Kibbutz Amihad (15 minutes by car north of Tiveria) I was shown a pit that was said to be the Bor Shel Yosef) The
location seems to coincide with Dotan indicated in the Torah. Is this valid? If so why is it so unknown to the tourist trade?
No one knows where is that pit.
Dotan of the Torah is identified south west of Bet Shean some 10KM north of Shechem.

Divorce in Judaism
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 19 Iyyar 5767

Different versions of the Torah in Hebrew?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tammuz 8, 5774

What does an eye for an eye mean?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tevet 9, 5784

Sefer Hachinuch
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 27 Cheshvan 5765

The Theory of Jewish Inherent Superiority
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar I 25, 5771

Wearing Kippa while Sleeping
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 27 Cheshvan 5765

Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 27, 5781