- Family and Society
- Names and Name Changing
I was named after my grandmother’s cousin. I learned recently that my namesake had married a Gentile. Should I consider adding to this name or changing my Hebrew name?
I don't think so, for almost every name you can find a Tazdik and the opposite.
If the name is a common Hebrew name you can consider it to be after a righteous man with the same name, how much more so if you are not called often by your Hebrew name.
All in all, names are not something we play around with.
If you wish you can consult with some great Kabbalists and Torah scholars like Rav Mordechai Eliyahu whom have a better grip on names and their Kabbalistic impact than me.

Name Change Time
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 30 Nisan 5765

Naming after G-d
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 15 Kislev 5763

meaning of Hebrew name
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Nisan 22, 5780

Wife’s name same as mother’s
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 4 Sivan 5766

Safek Brachot L’Hakel
Various Rabbis | 25 Shevat 5764

Pregnant Women and Kashrut
Various Rabbis | 13 Tevet 5764

Pesach - leaving home before Pesach
Rabbi David Sperling | Adar II 22, 5771