Shalom Uvracha, I read an archived response that you wrote regarding Yichud and a visiting sister in law. You answered that there is definitely a problem of Yichud if the husband is alone in the house with the sister in law and suggested solving it by having children be present. Would our baby(about a month old) be helpful in solving this proebelm?
Thank you.
Shalom U'verachah,
A small baby cannot solve a problem of yichud, an older child can.
Kol Tuv

Rabbi David Sperling | Kislev 25, 5779

Use of Y in "Yisrael" as opposed to "Israel"
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Nisan 18, 5780

Visiting The Sistine Chapel As Part Of A Tour
Rabbi David Sperling | Sivan 19, 5771