Is eilat part of eretz yisrael - for example, do we keep 1 or 2 days chag there?
Dear Susie:
The halakhic boundaries of Eretz Yisrael are described in Parashat Masei (Num. 34:1-12). But there are differences of opinion regarding the geographical location of various landmarks mentioned there.
Nevertheless, according to almost all opinions, Eilat falls outside the halakhic boundaries of Eretz Yisrael. Hence, in connection with terumot and ma'asrot, fruits and vegetables grown in Eilat are exempt (although a handful of authorities disagree).
But regarding two days of hag, most authorities hold that only one day should be kept. This is because there is a dispute regarding yom tov sheni, whether the decisive factor is the physical border or geographical proximity. Since yom tov sheni is only a custom, we take the more lenient approach, which means keeping only one day.

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